The dreams students share with me for achievements with their horses are most often positive images of having fun, safe, enjoyable times riding and playing with their horses.
Imagine that when you're with your horse there is no fear, brace or opposition; no frustration. There’s an undeniable connection with your horse. You and your horse find safety and peace together, and riding is fun! Your horse looks forward to your times together, as you look forward to your times with him/her. When you go to the pasture your horse nickers to you, and when you call he/she comes to greet you.
This dream can come true! It’s not tricks. It’s about connecting with your horse — having a relationship, understanding your horse, communicating clearly, and earning your horse’s trust in you and in your leadership. I call this the 4 C’s: Connection, Confidence, Communication, and Coaching. You can achieve this through Positive Reinforcement training - looking for and rewarding what your horse already does well and building upon that! In R+ training, you frame everything around what you do want your horse to do instead of what you do not want. So, if you find yourself thinking, I don’t want my horse to ______, think of an alternative behavior you can ask your horse for that he/she could do instead of the unwanted behavior; or, look for the times when your horse is doing what you want and reward/reinforce that!
I was told I could not achieve performance results with only positive reinforcement and so, for decades, I studied and taught Natural Horsemanship. Thanks to Sir Francis, I’ve gone back to my roots and have discovered that not only can I get fabulous results with only R+ but I can get better results with Positive Reinforcement training! I can help students do that also. I’m excited about clicking forward and invite you to join me on this journey.
Although it's rewarding to receive recognition from others, the most treasured moments with your horse can’t be measured by blue ribbons, awards, or levels earned. Those moments usually happen when you’re alone with your horse because they’re about the relationship, trust, understanding, and lightness you share together. They’re about the connection, the bond, and partnership you’ve created. Those are the most meaningful moments. ~Annie

I love helping people reach their horsemanship goals and create partnerships with their horses. I look forward to helping you along your horsemanship journey.

"A true horseman does not look at the horse with his eyes; he looks at his horse with his heart."
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